
For more details, see Google Scholar.

  1. Tissue Biology: In Search of a New Paradigm
    Annual Review of Cell & Developmental Biology 39(1) (2023)
    Adler M*, Chavan AR*, Medzhitov R
    (*equal contribution)
    pdf: download

  2. SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy is associated with robust inflammatory response at the maternal-fetal interface
    Med 2(5), 591-610 (2021)
    Lu-Culligan A, Chavan AR, Vijayakumar P, Irshaid L, Courchaine EM, Milano KM, Tang Z, Pope SD, Song E, Vogels CBF, Lu-Culligan WJ, Campbell KH, Casanovas-Massana A, Bermejo S, Toothaker JM, Lee HJ, Liu F, Schulz W, Fournier J, Muenker MC, Moore AJ, Yale IMPACT Team, Konnikova L, Neugebauer KM, Ring A, Grubaugh ND, Ko AI, Morotti R, Guller S, Kliman HJ, Iwasaki A, Farhadian SF
    pdf: download • preprint: medRxiv • code: archavan/covid-placenta • data: GSE171995 & GSE171381

  3. Evolution of embryo implantation was enabled by the origin of decidual stromal cells in eutherian mammals
    Molecular Biology & Evolution msaa274 (2020)
    Chavan AR, Griffith OW, Stadtmauer D, Maziarz J, Pavlicev M, Fishman R, Koren L, Romero R, Wagner GP
    pdf: download • preprint: bioRxiv • code: archavan/implantation-il17a • data: GSE120510 & GSE120380

  4. Endometrial recognition of pregnancy occurs in the grey short-tailed opossum (Monodelphis domestica)
    Proceedings of the Royal Society. B 286: 20190691 (2019)
    Griffith OW, Chavan AR, Pavlicev M, Protopapas S, Callahan R, Maziarz J, Wagner GP
    pdf: download • data: PRJNA543903

  5. The mammalian decidual cell evolved from a cellular stress response
    PLoS Biology 16(8): e2005594 (2018)
    Erkenbrack EM, Maziarz JD, Griffith OW, Liang C, Chavan AR, Nnamani MC, Wagner GP
    pdf: download • preprint: bioRxiv

  6. Reply to Liu: Inflammation before implantation both in evolution and development
    PNAS 115(1):E3–E4 (2017)
    Griffith OW, Chavan AR, Protopapas S, Maziarz J, Romero R, Wagner GP
    pdf: download

  7. Genetic Associations with Gestational Duration and Spontaneous Preterm Birth
    New England Journal of Medicine 377(12):1156–1167 (2017)
    Zhang G, Feenstra B, Bacelis J, Liu X, Muglia L.M, Juodakis J, Miller DE, Litterman N, Jiang PP, Russell L, Hinds DA, Hu Y, Weirauch MT, Chen X, Chavan AR, Wagner GP, Pavličev M, Nnamani MC, Maziarz J, Karjalainen MK, Rämet M, Sengpiel V, Geller F, Boyd HA, Palotie A, Momany A, Bedell B, Ryckman KK, Huusko JM, Forney CR, Kottyan LC, Hallman M, Teramo K, Nohr EA, Davey Smith G, Melbye M, Jacobsson B, Muglia LJ
    pdf: download

  8. The inflammation paradox in the evolution of mammalian pregnancy: turning a foe into a friend
    Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 47:24–32 (2017)
    Chavan AR, Griffith OW, Wagner GP
    pdf: download

  9. Embryo implantation evolved from an ancestral inflammatory attachment reaction
    PNAS 114(32):E6566–E6575 (2017)
    Griffith OW, Chavan AR, Protopapas S, Maziarz J, Romero R, Wagner GP
    pdf: download • data: SRP111668

  10. Evolution of gene expression in the uterine cervix related to steroid signaling: conserved features in the regulation of cervical ripening
    Scientific Reports 7(1):4439 (2017)
    Wagner GP, Nnamani MC, Chavan AR, Maziarz J, Protopapas S, Condon J, Romero R
    pdf: download • data: GSE85815

  11. Single-cell transcriptomics of the human placenta: inferring the cell communication network of the maternal-fetal interface
    Genome Research 27:349–361 (2017)
    Pavlicev M, Wagner GP, Chavan AR, Owens K, Maziarz J, Dunn-Fletcher C, Kallapur SG, Muglia L, Jones H
    pdf: download • data: GSE87726 & GSE87692

  12. The transcriptomic evolution of mammalian pregnancy: gene expression innovations in endometrial stromal fibroblasts
    Genome Biology & Evolution 8:2459–2473 (2016)
    Kin K, Maziarz J, Chavan AR, Kamat M, Vasudevan S, Birt A, Emera D, Lynch VJ, Ott TL, Pavlicev M, Wagner GP
    pdf: download • data: GSE67659

  13. The fetal-maternal interface of the nine-banded armadillo: endothelial cells of maternal sinus are partially replaced by trophoblast
    Zoological Letters 2:11 (2016)
    Chavan AR, and Wagner GP
    pdf: download

  14. What was the ancestral function of decidual stromal cells? A model for the evolution of eutherian pregnancy
    Placenta 40:40–51 (2016)
    Chavan AR, Bhullar B-AS, and Wagner GP
    pdf: download

  15. Polygenic cis-regulatory adaptation in the evolution of yeast pathogenicity
    Genome Research 22:1930–1939 (2012)
    Fraser HB, Levy S, Chavan A, Shah HB, Perez JC, Zhou Y, Siegal ML, Sinha H
    pdf: download